The Strong Ones

We teamed up with Stacia Franz to create the Check On The Strong Ones campaign in hopes to encourage people to check in on their strong friends, family, and colleagues. We thank you for taking a moment of your day to read about an important cause.
"Last year, my husband and best friend Kieran Ebanks, chose to end his life. He was a decorated officer, volunteer firefighter, St. John’s ambulance instructor, and long-time advocate of anti-racism and diversity in Canada. I began using the phrase “Check on the Strong Ones” to remind everyone that even those who seem to be the rocks of our world can also struggle. They often do not reach out or just keep going until they can go no more.
Without hesitation, Zueike offered to be a partner in my mission to remind everyone to check in on the Strong Ones and created this shirt. Proceeds of Strong One's shirts go towards awareness and de-stigmatization of mental health challenges as well as research towards making mental health support available to those who need it. Of note, the inside of the shirt has the Crisis Services Canada phone number printed so that wearers can see and use the helpline: a fashion and function hybrid.
As a country, we know we can do better in recognizing and supporting mental health. As a society, we can normalize talking about how we struggle. And, as one widow, I can spend the rest of my life working in memory of Kieran, a man who would have done anything for me and our community.
If I have one immediate request, I would ask you to check in with your loved ones as often as you are able. And if you are ever thinking about ending your life, know that you are never alone. Many people have had the same thoughts you have and there is help to find your way out of the darkness. You are valuable. You are important. The world needs you.
Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year by calling Crisis Services Canada at 1-833-456-4566. Asking for help can be really hard and their responders are there to listen to you, support you, and keep you safe.
Please know that Kieran and I are grateful to Zueike for helping amplify our message, and love you all so very much."
-Stacia Franz

We're honoured Stacia trusted us to share her story and create this campaign. By standing together as a united community, we can make a real difference and create a safe, supportive environment for all. Click the link below to purchase a T-shirt and make sure to check on your strong ones.